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  1. Faith

    Cratonavis Zhui and LCMS

    Here’s an article from AIG. I just saw a podcast on last night where two scientists said that there are no missing links but then I ran across this today. Missing link or not? I know we’ve discussed evolution ad nauseam and you probably think this is an extension of that same...
  2. Faith

    Stardust and LCMS

    I had a great Easter and then when we got home I was watching part of 60 minutes. The segment was talking about the Webb telescope, distant stars, how many billions of it takes for starlight to reach earth and mentioned something I’ve already known about……that we, as humans are made from...
  3. Faith

    Exodus, Egyptology

    I need some help here from an LCMS perspective. Does anybody have knowledge of the Bible’s timeline of Exodus and Egyptian chronology? The dates Egyptologists give don’t line up with the Bible. Is the Bible wrong or were the Egyptians wrong and please give the reasons why or links to those reasons.
  4. Faith

    Still Struggling

    Well people, I went to a Catholic Mass tonight, as well as Ash Wednesday and two Saturdays ago and I just don’t like it nearly as much as my contemporary Lutheran church. The whole time I was there tonight I was wishing I wasn’t there. And I was sitting with a couple of friends and still felt...
  5. Faith

    Continued from an older thread, Catholicism

    Josiah said: So, out of all the people I’ve talked to in my church, so far all are creationists and believe In a young earth. Would you say that I’m the only one there with these beliefs? Do you personally know of any member of the LCMS who believes in evolution and a young earth besides me?
  6. Faith


    We’ve already put up our small Christmas tree and I’m almost finished decorating the larger one. It’s got me thinking about what everybody’s doing for Christmas and the Christmas season this year? We’ll go to a Candleight service at my church on Christmas Eve and we plan on going out to see...
  7. Faith

    Not Happy

    Ok, I wrote my LCMS pastor about a week 1/2 to 2 weeks ago, telling him I was leaving due to theistic evolution and age of the earth. I went to a ND church and it was ok but farther than I can comfortably drive with my anxiety. I watched Catholic services online and still don’t like it. I miss...
  8. Faith

    LCMS Marionology

    As most of you already know, Catholics believe that Mary was Assumed into heaven. I asked my LCMS pastor what we believe and he simply said that she died. I assume that means we don’t believe she was Assumed into Heaven, correct? If she wasn’t Assumed, what does the LCMS believe happened to her...
  9. Faith


    As most of you know, I‘ve been going through a faith crisis for lack of better words, due to my belief that the Lutheran church teaches the Universe is 6,000 y/o and that there’s no such thing as microevolution, and I don’t believe that. I’m thisclose to returning to the RCC since they allow for...
  10. Faith

    New Problem

    Okay, I’ve been studying a lot about the Protestantism and Catholicism to see if I’m in the right place. I was leaning toward going back to Catholicism but today I went to both services; Catholic and my LCMS Church, after having a nice visit with a priest this week. After going to both services...
  11. Faith

    Name Change

    I am formerly Hope1960. Just so you all know.
  12. Faith


  13. Faith

    Catholic Eucharistic Miracles

    I just received a Catholic magazine in the mail today that talks about the Eucharist and to some degree, Eucharistic Miracles. As a LCMS convert I must admit that the miracles make me question my choice in converting. The article mentions the miracles of Sokolka, Poland; Lanciano, Italy; as well...
  14. Faith

    For Lutherans

    Do any of you wear a Crucifix necklace or is that mostly a Catholic thing?
  15. Faith

    LCMS Eucharist

    I’ve been waffling lately between staying at my Lutheran LCMS church and returning to Catholicism. I made the decision to stay at the Lutheran church but here’s my question. I spoke with a Catholic priest who told me that only a priest with valid holy orders has the power to confect the...
  16. Faith

    Last Rites

    I know that the LCMS doesn’t have Last Rites/Annointing of the Sick as a Sacrament like Catholics do, but when death is near, does the LCMS do anything for the patient? Does the Pastor visit? Pray over the sick one? Or what?
  17. Faith


    I read something recently, written by an agnostic Jew who called the book of Job a “fable”. Does the LCMS believe it’s an historical account with an historical man (Job)? Or a fable? Why or why not? @tampasteve @Josiah
  18. Faith

    Chariot of Fire

    The Scripture that talks about Elijah being taken to heaven in a chariot of fire: Fact? Fiction? Supernatural? Miracle? Symbolic? What?
  19. Faith

    Attention LCMS, The Old Testament

    Among the LCMS here, who believes that the stories, and the details of the stories in the OT, are literally true? Like Methuselah living to almost 1000 or Enoch (or was it Elijah?) flying into heaven in a chariot etc? if you do believe it what evidence do you have for their truth? Besides Jesus...
  20. Faith

    Let’s Talk About New Age Metaphysical Stores

    My friend, a staunch Catholic, was telling me about this neat Protestant store that’s similar to a Catholic run store but it’s geared toward non Catholics. I thought that since I’m a fairly new Lutheran and we often still shop at the Catholic store, this would be helpful to my spirituality...
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