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  1. meluckycharms

    If the Bible is the only source for God's word, where do pastors get their calling?

    I find this to be an extremely simple question. Yet it is so difficult for anyone to answer if they hold the position that the Bible is the only source for God's word. Where in the Bible do pastors read that they were specifically called to ministry?
  2. meluckycharms

    Should Psalms be used to support doctrine?

    I first want to say that I believe Psalms to be divine scripture. It seems as though that all the books in the Bible is God communicating to humanity either through prophets, apostles, or Jesus. However, Psalms is different. It is the only book where the communication is solely from humanity...
  3. meluckycharms

    Why Does Evil Exist?

    The problem of evil is not just simply that evil exists. Rather, it is the compatibility between both God and evil that drives the conundrum. Many theologians have variations to the problem of evil. However, simply stated, "If God is able (omnipotent), He could stop evil. If God is willing...
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