60 minutes did a piece on this that claimed that members spend at least 30 hours a week on the phone calling for donations and the National Committee keeps a board with amounts and percentages posted. Both parties are doing this. There is currently a bill in congress to outlaw this practice...
It is looking more and more like that is who we will be voting for and I for one cant vote for either one, I guess it will come down to who I think is going to do the least damage as I cant not vote.
Pretty sure it will be a contested convention and not a win outright which means that Trump probably will not be the nominee, who do you think it will be>
What does everyone think? Personally I think it is bad when you call somewhere and you have to press a number for english. I have nothing against those who speak other languages but if they are coming to this country then I think the least they could do is learn the language.
To me just one more reason that God is going to judge this country. I believe that we are past the tipping point and that we will go down because of not only this issue but so many others in this country. The end times are here where right is wrong and wrong is right.
They are ramping up militarily and rattling the sword. Personally I think they want to rebuild the old soviet empire and the US had better wake up soon to the threat that they pose. ISIS is a real threat but not the only one and they need tio deal with this now because later may be to late