Search results

  1. ~Jo~

    What is your favourite colour

    What is your favourite colour to wear either as a Tee Shirt or shirt / sweater etc.. Mine is Bright red or purple or black How about you guys and gals.
  2. ~Jo~

    Story time.

    Here's how it works someone post another line in the story and see what happens.. I will start.. Once upon a time there was ...
  3. ~Jo~

    What makes your skin crawl

    What things make you skin crawl/shudder Mine would have to be spiders I was just getting a towel out the airing cupboard and this big black looking spider decided to make its appearance, just as well my daughter was sitting in the bathroom cleaning something, when I said oh F@@@ look at that...
  4. ~Jo~

    EASTER what do you do

    What sort of things do you do for Easter, do you treat it like Christmas with a big family dinner or something simple and what do you buy in the way of sweets or candy or whatever..
  5. ~Jo~

    Time Zones.

    What part of the world are you in and what time zone do you come under from me... The current time here in the UK is 21.00 or 9pm.. how many hours are you in front or behind me..
  6. ~Jo~

    What did you want

    What did you want to be when you was a child and did you actually do it as an adult. Like I wanted to be a nurse. didn't actually become one in my working life outside but turned into one as a carer for children and family members. What was your dream job as a child..
  7. ~Jo~

    Your stranded on a desert island

    Name 5 things you would take with you.. Knife. Food. phone, book. chair. lol
  8. ~Jo~

    If you could be anything. what would it be.

    I would like to have been the lady that dresses dummies in store windows..and make big window big stores..
  9. ~Jo~

    What's your favourite movie.. old or new

    Have you watched any good or bad movies lately.. Mine is old and has to be Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze..
  10. ~Jo~

    Jo's friendship corner. Everyone welcome

    Please feel free to come and go leave a post or two plus any pictures or music you fancy for others to see or listen to.. Please wipe your feet and take a seat put your feet up and have a chat or a Please be nice to each other ...
  11. ~Jo~

    What was your name ...

    I am trying to find out who I knew on CF, that is here with us today.. and did you have change your name ... from there to here. ? What was it there: Jo The same as here..Jo
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