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  1. Yarik

    Who else loves chess?

    Recently, I started to play chess more often with my friends. I can say that I like this board game. There are a lot of moves that can be made, and it makes me think about making the best move. It helps me develop certain skills that I use in my everyday life. And well, it's a fun game. Is...
  2. Yarik

    Do you delete old mail?

    I have never deleted any mail from my mailbox. I always just leave it there. But yesterday, I went through all of my emails and sorted them out. I deleted all of the old and useless mail I had, some of it was more than 5 years old. Now I like how my mailbox look clean and tidy! Do you clean...
  3. Yarik

    Do you take a lot of photos in nature?

    When you are outside in nature, do you take a lot of photos on your phone? When I go hiking, for example, I might take a couple of pictures. I don't post them on social media, I just keep them as memories.
  4. Yarik

    Most useful phone apps?

    I was browsing Google Play, and I was wondering what useful apps I could download. I don't use my phone that much, but I would appreciate checking out some applications that might come in handy. Share your most favourite phone apps that you use daily. I'm excited to see your list!
  5. Yarik

    Discord Users

    This is the first time I hear about Discord selling data and monitoring its users. I'll have to look deeper into that, but it doesn't worry me that much. I never had any data breaches because of Discord.
  6. Yarik

    How many hours do you sleep daily?

    I usually sleep around 8-9 hours daily. But recently, I've been having some trouble sleeping, and I've been getting only 5-6 hours. I hope this problem goes away soon, I think it's just stress.
  7. Yarik

    Driver or passenger

    I prefer driving myself. There's nothing wrong with being a passenger, but I just like driving a car. I do that every day when I go to my university, so I've gotten used to it.
  8. Yarik

    Computer Virus

    Way back in time, when I wasn't that careful about opening random links, I caught adware. Luckily, I was able to remove it. But aside from that, I never had any other viruses on my PC.
  9. Yarik

    What's your favorite chat messenger?

    The messenger I use the most is Telegram. The simplest and easiest one to use. Most of my friends also use it. I also have Discord on my PC that I use for calls when I play games with my friends.
  10. Yarik

    When is your best time to play games?

    I probably play the most at night as well, from 7 to 11 PM. But when it's the weekend, I might play during the day as well. I don't have much time in the morning, as there are things I need to take care of.
  11. Yarik

    Do you like using subtitles?

    I don't like using subtitles at all. And I don't use them. They only distract me from the movie. I don't think I ever had any problems understanding what the actors were saying.
  12. Yarik

    Hey there

    Hello everyone! I'm happy to join this community and participate in discussions. I hope I learn something new about religion, as I have the desire to. I'm looking forward to getting to know more people here.
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