Lucian Hodoboc

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  • My Facebook feed alternates between posts of very ill people asking for help on medical crowdfunding pages and posts with Christian quotes about God's goodness from Christian pages. The cognitive dissonance is real.
    "Why, Lord, why? I mean what kind of God? What kind of world? It’s a stinkin’ con game. You grow up being told, 'Wait for the sweets and the roses.' Then they hit ya with a pick ax in the ear." ~ Robin Williams
    Lucian Hodoboc
    Lucian Hodoboc
    I appreciate your encouraging words, but this is how things are: if God doesn't improve my life in some significant way, I will no longer seek Him. I have suffered more than I am capable of enduring.
    Please Lucian reconsider one fo your friends in the internet know your having a bad time but their will be good times in the end. ;-; Things are hard but you need to wait for the moment and God will send you help. we've all been there.
    God loves ya and all of us in the internet love ya too ;D.
    Just noticed.... I know you from a small Reformed site (at which Tango also posts). I posted there briefly.... I appreciate your posts here!
    There should be a thread with all of Lammchen's avatar photos. Some of them are remarkable. :)
    hahah that would be fun. I actually have a folder on my laptop where I keep them all and there are days when I go hunting for new ones or my friend George helps to find some and then I save them. I like to change them often because it reflects my mood or emotion :)
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    Posting anything positive about religion on Reddit (except for the religion subreddits) will get you downvoted.
    That's awful! :(
    I'm charging my Kindle so I can download the Divergent series!
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    The very first one! I am becoming increasingly frustrated with it because the things I used to be able to do like surf the web, watch videos and listen to music I can no longer do on it. The technology is just too old.
    Lucian Hodoboc
    Lucian Hodoboc
    Oh, you mean the Kindle tablet, not the eBook reader.
    Yep. Kindle Fire first edition. It doesn't have a camera and doesn't accept ads so they stopped supporting it a long time ago.
    I'm doing great. The car I share with my daughter, not so great. It's been in the shop for a week now!
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