Recent content by grumix8

  1. grumix8

    Is freewill biblical or something we invented as society ?

    They also went to believe in this Reincarnation is the belief that a person's soul or spirit is reborn into a new body after death. It's also known as rebirth or transmigration. Where is reincarnation believed? Hinduism: A core tenet of Hinduism, reincarnation is also...
  2. grumix8

    Is freewill biblical or something we invented as society ?

    We see people that civilzation does something and it is wrong since the beggining of men that all civilzation does is copy each other is human concept if you look at all humanity and find the root it is about Babylon. We copy and we see other do things because we think it will help us to find...
  3. grumix8

    Is freewill biblical or something we invented as society ?

    People do one thing throughout history and some of us have innate ability to have and some us don't have and worst some of us don't have but live it and don't realize it ? Do they know their purpose in life ? Is lying the most simplest things humankind do to live their life and lying is...
  4. grumix8

    Is freewill biblical or something we invented as society ?

    Devalue victims: People may change how they view the people affected by their actions. When human nature resorts to violence and wishes to obtain what it wants ? To know and to control. It becames self-destructive in nature. What are animals that self destructive. Lemmings are an...
  5. grumix8

    Is freewill biblical or something we invented as society ?

    We continue with freewill and lucifer if he had freewill but continuing on what freewill and here something very importnat if we had freewill. If the word exist in the world there is the word in hebrew. “Freedom of Choice;” a fundamental belief of the Jewish Religion. “Bechirah” means...
  6. grumix8

    What is the plan of God and women and their part ?

    part 7: To understand the plan of God for women, particularly through the lens of Proverbs 31, it's important to look back at the historical and cultural context of the times of the kingship in Israel and Judah. During these periods, women played pivotal roles in maintaining the faith and...
  7. grumix8

    What is the plan of God and women and their part ?

    part 6: The plan of God for both men and women is rooted in simplicity, unity, and faithfulness. It involves living each day with gratitude, love, and trust in God's guidance, regardless of the challenges that arise. Here’s an example of how both men and women can fulfill God’s plan through...
  8. grumix8

    What is the plan of God and women and their part ?

    Part 5:B COLOSSIANS 2:13-14 Jesus has forgiven all our wrongdoings, canceling the debt against us. This forgiveness empowers women to rise above their struggles and fulfill God's purposes. REVELATIONS 7:9 Women are part of the great multitude before God's throne, as seen in Revelations 7:9...
  9. grumix8

    What is the plan of God and women and their part ?

    Part 5:A "Women of Faith: Heroes of God's Plan" Discover the incredible stories of women in Scripture and history who, through faith and courage, accomplished God's plan. From biblical heroines to modern-day examples, see how women have shaped the destiny of nations and fulfilled divine...
  10. grumix8

    What is the plan of God and women and their part ?

    Part 4: To truly understand and fulfill God's plan, it is imperative that women embrace the gifts He has bestowed upon them. These gifts are often overlooked by the modern world, but they are embedded deeply within the teachings of the Bible. By aligning our hearts with God's will, we can...
  11. grumix8

    What is the plan of God and women and their part ?

    Part 3: Building upon our exploration, we delve into the profound connection between the law within our hearts and the completeness achieved through love. The biblical verses in John 3:16 and John 15:13 echo the essence of divine love—God's willingness to sacrifice for the well-being of...
  12. grumix8

    What is the plan of God and women and their part ?

    Part 2: In the era of kings and queens, a time when the law played a pivotal role in the lives of the Israelites, women emerged as powerful agents shaping the destiny of nations. Abigail's cunning lie to save King David, King Solomon's bowing to his mother, and instances where women sought...
  13. grumix8

    What does the bible teach about being unthankful/ungrateful?

    We should all be thankful and grateful God's will is like that.
  14. grumix8


    Hello and welcome.
  15. grumix8

    We wish you a Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas !
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