Brown people wrote the bible


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Post #149 DHoffman:
Adam may have written some of Genesis, at least four different authors wrote Genesis because the wording and style changes drastically.

With respect to Genesis authorship, there are theories that Moses complied the early chapters of Genesis from preexisting legends, some of them written. The sources are normally stated to be from other ancient civilisations. But it is also stated that various nominated sections of the early chapters were penned by nominated Biblical figures, including Ishmael. The confusion is confusing.


What is overlooked in those theories, is that authors of normal books sometimes change their styles within their books. It is done to engender different reactions in the readers. Think of Darth Vader music in the Star Wars movies as a parallel. Or Princess Leia’s theme.

But what about the Bible?


For instance, did Matthew fudge the figures in Matthew Chapter 1? Was he guilty of deliberate dishonesty (manipulation of figures) to make a point to his target (Jewish) readers? Do you know why this is being asked? Because if he did so, your Bible fails the test of being God-inspired, and your faith is based on a lie.

Matthew sought to associate a special number with Jesus. That number was indelibly associated with King David, from whose line the promised Messiah would come, and that number would be an important proof in Jewish eyes, that Jesus was that Messiah.

That number happens to be 14, and to prove his point, Matthew left three kings out of an actual list of 17, and used a name (Jeconiah) twice, once in each of two separate lists, to make the required count appear in both. Has that ever been brought to your attention by any of the “shepherds” you have had?


Facing those problems and finding the answers that God has placed for His dedicated followers to find (Proverbs 25:2 – who are the kings?), increases faith immeasurably, and glorifies God immensely.

The solution to one of those problems is highlighted by God, by His arranging a sudden change of style in the Hebrew text of a particular Old Testament passage. That change of style is too pointed to be coincidental.

I suggest (remembering that the existing chapter and verse divisions in our Bibles were not in the original text) that the changes of style in Genesis could be symptoms of something other than multiple authorship sources.



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Aussies don’t complain when Americans pronounce the name of the Australian city Melbourne, “Melborrrrn” instead of “Melb’n”.
And Americans don't complain when South Pacific Islanders mispronounce the names of American cities, either. How to pronounce the words we have been discussing never has been an issue here.


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At which point in the bible do we find out how Adam and Eve grew a world of multi-colored peoples because to ascribe that only one race was involved in writing the bible can only be theorized.


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At which point in the bible do we find out how Adam and Eve grew a world of multi-colored peoples because to ascribe that only one race was involved in writing the bible can only be theorized.

The first post isn't about race. Being brown isn't a race. Nevertheless the bible was written by Israelite people, Luke may be an exception, and the people of Israel were - broadly speaking - brown people. But this thread is not about race nor is it about the USA or any of the side issues that some have introduced into the thread. Posts #1 and #8 tell a reader what the thread is about (post #1) and what prompted me to start it (post #8), so I hope readers will not be distracted by the side issues and miss the main issue.

Post #1:
Brown people wrote the bible. Not yellow people or white people nor black people; brown ones. And Jesus was born a brown man. So why all the anti-brown people stuff that's going on in politics when our faith is founded on the goodness of brown, yellow, black, and white people whenever those people walk with God.

Post #8:
I heard former USA president Obama addressing people in South Africa on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Nelson Mandela. In his lecture he mentioned the many excellent documents written by people of "western" culture that are best regarded as the common heritage of humanity rather than something exclusive to the West - he was heading off the argument that some in Africa and some in Asia make against those values arguing that Western culture and Western values are eroding traditional liberties and values of the free people of Asia and Africa; that argument is, obviously, not true. Freedom, goodness, truth, the existence of facts and the existence of moral values is not a western invention it is an objective reality. So let no one argue that what lies at the heart of Christian moral values is a western invention or a heritage preserved for the world by the west when in fact it is a gift from God given through brown Asian people from the far West of Asia. It is worth keeping our religious and philosophical roots in view so that we are not robbed of our inheritance by flimflam propagated by some in the "third world" and in "the old world" too.


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Post #183:
At which point in the bible do we find out how Adam and Eve grew a world of multi-colored peoples because to ascribe that only one race was involved in writing the bible can only be theorized.


My understanding is that the whole Bible, with two definite areas of exception, and two possible areas of exception, were written by members of the nation of Israel. The two definite exceptions are Daniel 4:34-37 (written by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon) and the book of Job (which was demonstrably written before Israel became a nation). The two (very strong) possible exceptions are Luke and Acts (both written by a physician named Luke, whose name is a contraction of the Latin name Lucanus; he is generally considered to be a gentile, but some scholars suggest he could have been what is termed a Hellenistic Jew – a Jew from an area dominated by Greek culture, who spoke Greek as their first language).


With respect to the various races we find in the world, they all sprang from Noah’s three sons (and their wives).

Genesis Chapter 10 gives an early history of the descendants of those sons. In the early days, the gene pool would have been small, and groups of settlers who moved away to isolated areas, would have similarly seeded a whole civilisation based on a limited gene pool. Any strong characteristics within those limited gene pools would have been multiplied as each group grew.

Expatriates who had lived for many years in Papua Niu Gini (Papua Niugini, Papua New Guinea) for instance, told me they could identify from which particular formerly isolated valley a person came from, based solely on their facial features.

An extension of such isolation is the development of what we define as different races.



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There could be some helpful information in this Post for USA Readers, even though it focuses on an Australian situation.

Political correctness, and the kind of backlash (misrepresentation and persecution) people are exposed to simply because they step out of line, are highlighted here.


The non-conformist politician Pauline Hanson was mentioned in Posts #119 and #120.

She actually won her seat in the election because she was disendorsed by the Liberal (rough USA equivalent = Republican) party. The seat had been traditionally a safe Labor (rough USA equivalent = Democrat) party seat. People who would not have voted Liberal (~Republican), felt free to vote for her as a person, and they roundly endorsed the ideas she had been expressing.

Her maiden speech did not criticise aborigines, but that misrepresentation continues to this day. She actually spoke in support of aborigines. Her pertinent words were: “The majority of Aboriginals do not want handouts because they realise that welfare is killing them.”

She actually targeted those of the government and non-government agencies that had highly paid executives, “consultants” and other employees with strong vested interests in keeping the aborigines dependent on them – the continuing dependency would ensure that their cushy jobs and fat pay cheques would remain secure.

Her comments on immigration and Asians have proven to be prophetically accurate, considering the accepted division between the European and Asian continents.

(Space precludes more than that quick summary.)


But like all who refuse to toe the line of Political Correctness, she paid the price. She was jailed on trumped up charges – found guilty by a jury of normal people who were easily swayed by emotive and tricky (convincing-sounding) statements. (CH Readers take note.)

A panel of three experienced judges later unanimously agreed that her conviction was unjust, and she was pardoned.

We should all be aware that anyone who upsets or threatens the apple cart of political correctness, becomes fair game for attacks from all sides. Irrespective of skin color. Because threats to political correctness are threats to strong vested interests. We should all be aware, because personal vested interests are often incompatible with the true Christian life.

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