I am most likely going to have to make a decision in the next week or two and there may be several options (all of them pretty good ones). I want to do God's will in this decision and have been spending time in prayer daily about it. I'm just afraid that I will do what I want instead of what God wants (I am assuming they might not be the same). Sometimes I have in the past jumped into something and then regretted it later and don't want to do that this time. I want to do what God wants me to do and be faithful about it. Any guidance on how to know the difference between your own will and God's. And how to tell when it is God speaking to you and not your own wishful thinking
We often assume that our will is never the will of God. I have heard missionaries testify that they told God they never wanted to go to a certain place, and that is exactly where God sent them. As though it was a punishment. I never liked that. The true missionaries heart and will is to go to a certain place, and he is going to get there come hell or high water. God puts it in his heart to will and to do.
(Philippians 2:13) "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."
So, would it not be safe to ask yourself, 'what do I want to do'? You have committed it to prayer. Trust God and go with the decision you make. For if God is opposed to your decision, He will reveal it.
(Philippians 3:15) "Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded:
and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you."
And Paul had first hand experience not only in his conversion, but in taking the Gospel to Europe when he wanted to go to Asia. (Acts 9:1-5) (Acts 16:6-7)
When we come to a 'fork in the road' we assume one leads us to God and the other away from God. But the truth is, which ever one we take, God goes with us. Either decision we make will most likely have ups and downs later. Which will cause us, in our human nature, to say it was a good decision when we go through the up times. Then cause us to say it was a bad decision when going through the down times.
So, pray. Seek counsel. Make the decision. And go with it.
My opinion.