Search results

  1. Albion

    USA The National Popular Vote Compact

    A proposed amendment to the national constitution is slowly making its way toward passage.** In fact, it has been creeping in that direction for some years now. Known as the National Popular Vote Compact, it would require the winning candidate's electors in any state to vote in the Electoral...
  2. Albion

    Denominational Alternatives

    Question-- If for some reason, you felt conscience-bound to change denominations... which other one, do you think, would be the one most likely to meet your preferences in doctrine and worship style? Why so? (This is about a personal decision and is not related to any of the online quizzes...
  3. Albion

    USA Republican choices, in order

    The recent posts about this week's debate (with or without Trump) led to somebody speculating as follows-- Suppose Trump chooses not to run after all. What would your list of preferred nominees--in order--then look like? List as many or as few as you want.
  4. Albion

    USA Should Trump take part in the Fox News debate?

    Should President Trump take part in the August debate on Fox News between Republican candidates? If he does not, what would the consequences (good or bad) likely be?
  5. Albion

    Anyone following American Idol? Who looks good?

    Got any favorite performers? Think a good one was given the boot and shouldn't have been cut? Who's most likely to win? Why?
  6. Albion

    USA What if Donald Trump is indicted by a Democrat prosecutor?

    Because this development is expected in New York in the near future (and might be repeated a number of times in other states as the 2024 election draws closer)... What do you think the effect upon voters in the upcoming primaries and the general election will be? 1. Trump is humiliated and...
  7. Albion

    USA Is Tulsi Gabbard's decision the start of something important?

    Tulsi Gabbard, a former congresswoman and candidate for the Democratic nomination for President, announced this week that she's leaving the Democratic Party. Her reasons were given in the following statement: "I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete...
  8. Albion

    Modes of Communion

    There are many ways that the Holy Communion elements--the bread and cup--are distributed to the worshippers (called "communicants"). To some extent, this varies by denomination, but there is a lot of crossover these days when it comes to that subject. Which, if any, of the following methods do...
  9. Albion

    Which denomination best resembles the Church of the 1st Century?

    Which denomination today most closely resembles the Christian Church of the First Century? Why do you think so?
  10. Albion

    Our Own Resurrection Means Nothing?

    The question is this: "If we believe that we go to be judged and then to heaven upon our deaths, what's the good of having our bodies rise from the grave at a later time?" Both of these beliefs are typically Christian.
  11. Albion

    Is observing Lent a good idea?

    Lent is the period, in many churches, that leads up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Historically, Lent is a penitential season. It's no longer as severe as it once was, but people still do cut back on amusements, meals, and so forth, until the triumphant Easter season comes. What do you think...
  12. Albion

    When friends ask about finding the right church, what's the right advice?

    We hear this all the time, it seems. Someone is asking how to find a really Bible-centered congregation or one "that teaches correctly." We aren't sure even what they believe, and it's usually the case that they don't either. However, telling them to stay home and read the Bible doesn't seem...
  13. Albion

    How to identify a valid pastor.

    In today's world, there are so many mail-order and self-proclaimed heads of congregations in addition to the people ordained in the traditional way by some denomination, many people wonder how to know where to draw the line when they are looking for a church or minister. What would help them decide?
  14. Albion

    Can a case be made for observing more than two acraments?

    Catholic and Orthodox churches recognize seven sacraments; Protestants generally recognize only two (or consider only two to be "sacraments of the Gospel"). In a few cases, there are church bodies that admit of three or some other number. Which view are you more persuaded of...and why?
  15. Albion

    What is the best sized congregation for most people?

    Is it the small, intimate congregation in which you are known and you know everyone else--where you really fit in? Or is it the larger one which offers more activities but in which you can choose to simply lose yourself in the crowd and not be forced to be overly social all the time?
  16. Albion

    Put a Hater on "Ignore" Day.

    That's right. We have Earth Day, and now its also Put a Hater on Ignore Day. The idea is to clean up the forums by putting the provocateurs on Ignore, at least for a week to see how much the forums can be improved. Please join in.
  17. Albion

    CH a discussion board or bulletin board?

    We spend a lot of time trying to increase participation. Is the practice of throwing down a video, followed by a What do you think of that? appropriate for a discussion board like CH? Or, somewhat in the same vein, posting a long cut and paste or two or three from somewhere or other, allegedly...
  18. Albion

    Titles Used by Clergymen.

    This seems minor, but I know of some hard feelings in congregations over how the clergy want to be addressed. The choices are many, from Mister to Reverend to Father to Doctor to Bishop, and even Apostle. That last one seems to be gaining favor in some churches. However, there are some who...
  19. Albion

    The "What" and "Why" of "Sacraments"

    Almost every Christian church or denomination acknowledges some Sacraments, but the matter is usually unclear to the average church member. He or she simply participates in what the church puts before them. What makes any ritual be a Sacrament? How many are there and how would we know?
  20. Albion

    Communion for all, no questions asked?

    There is a trend in the direction of allowing or inviting everybody to receive Holy Communion, regardless of church affiliation or, more importantly, whether or not the communicant has ever been baptized, made a confession of faith, claimed a born again experience...or any of that. Each side...
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