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  1. Tigger

    Not by works?

    You’re adding words and conclusions that I never said in order to further your own side of the discussion. 1 Timothy 1:19 clearly establishes that our response to God’s gift of faith has consequences. 1 Timothy 1:19 holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have...
  2. Tigger

    Not by works?

    Faith is a gift from God but if faith has no works it is dead and that is on us.
  3. Tigger

    Not by works?

    Yes when reduced to its simplest form. James 2: 18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without [a]your works, and I will show you my faith by [b]my works.
  4. Tigger

    Do you think America should live by American principles or by Biblical ones?

    Shallow point. Do you have anything substantive to add?
  5. Tigger

    Do you think America should live by American principles or by Biblical ones?

    Believers should live by biblical principles and the U.S. of A. should be run by it’s constitution.
  6. Tigger

    Not by works?

    I think this statement is the most scripturally accurate summary concerning how works and faith are expressed in our Christian journey. This is from Luther (On Christian Liberty) Your one care should be that faith may increase, whether it be trained by works or by sufferings. Give your gifts...
  7. Tigger

    USA Are you afraid to wear the MAGA hat in public?

    Hanging a dummy in effigy no matter if its one or several is in poor taste at least or as a warning to the community of impending doom would be considered heinous. But sure with the dark history in the country sounding the lynching of black folk would and should bring about an even stronger...
  8. Tigger

    My new Meds?

    God’s blessings, hope everything works out.
  9. Tigger

    Your favorite Hanna & Barbera show

    Muttley always cracked me up.
  10. Tigger

    Mary’s Perpetual Virginity

    Coincidentally this video choice just popped up on my YouTube feed. Mary did you know (lyrics reworked)
  11. Tigger

    Mary’s Perpetual Virginity

    Actually I’ve held and argued both sides of the subject for years. I ultimately think Mary’s perpetual virginity is the most complete position but at the end of the day IMO I consider either to be of pious opinion.
  12. Tigger

    Hey Everyone!!

    Glad you decided to join us!
  13. Tigger


    Hi Katt!
  14. Tigger

    Happy Hanukkah!!

    Happy Hanukkah!
  15. Tigger

    Bible hangman?

    “and a partridge in a pair treeeee.” Lol
  16. Tigger

    Happy Birthday Lammchen

    Happy birthday \o/
  17. Tigger

    Bible hangman?

  18. Tigger

    Bible hangman?

  19. Tigger

    Bible hangman?

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