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    church fund raisers

    The fundraisers at our church all go to support mission trips, which are generally self-pay but often expensive. Those organized by the church as a whole are for the student/youth trips. For the youth, they are required to work at these fundraising events, if they want to share in the...
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    Dealing with depression

    Threads like this can get dangerous to someone looking for help. I spent more than two decades thinking my mental illness was the result of lack of faith, inadequate prayer, not enough time in the bible, etc., no matter how much I did of any of those things. Finally went to a doctor, and with...
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    Quirky things you do.

    I collect Wonder Woman pop vinyl figures. I'm 49 years old, so it's rather silly. But my sons are heavily into superheros, so we see alllll the movies, both DC and Marvel. I considered it a chore and sometimes only went to be the "good" mom. Then the Wonder Woman movie came out, and I...
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    Your favorite Christmas gift this year?

    I have two - an Instant Pot, and my husband built me a bookcase for the kitchen to store our homeschool stuff on.
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    overcoming anxiety

    I have bipolar disorder with a side of anxiety. I take medication daily for BP, and I have some medication for anxiety for when I feel particularly overwhelmed to the point I can't function. But most of the time, I rely on prayer and the promises of God. And remembering that fear is not of...
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    What is the best quality you've inherited from your parents?

    From all the females on my mom's side of the family, gumption. From my dad, self-awareness and being comfortable in my own skin.
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    Friends and their character

    My friends are varied in personality, but the key things they have in common is acceptance and loyalty and honesty. Most are christians, if not all. And part of me thinks that's a bit un-Christ-like, like I'm insulating myself or something.
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    How many years?

    18 years and exactly one month today.
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    I was referred here by someone who i don't think is a member yet, actually. Looking forward to getting to know you all.
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